Sunday, August 20, 2017

Movin' Up North

We were testing air mattresses to see if they could hold air, and this one wasn't cutting it.  We decided to use it for a launcher.  

It escalated rather quickly, and we all got involved in trying to launch each other.  So much fun!

Back to School Haircuts!  They needed them badly! This is Josh Before. 

And Luke Before. 

Look at these handsome devils. 

And before we knew it, it was Move In Day at Whiskey Cove.  Yay!!

We got settled pretty fast, and were enjoying the shoreline right away.
Luke knew how to help - get the hammock set up! 

I was not a great packer this trip...lots of boxes with mixed contents like this one. Kitchen Mostly is not exactly helpful. 

Our first night there and already hanging wet towels off the patio, with wet footprints on the dock. 

The sunset was gorgeous!

First breakfast on our patio.  We didn't eat inside unless it was raining. 
The boys made the breakfast even!  Luke did sausage and Josh did pancakes. 

The boys tried fishing off the dock, but mostly caught minnows. 

I love this face!

Family cannonball!

Who's leading who? 

Three generations of boaters. 

John, Dacia, and Rylan came out Saturday. Rylan was seriously obsessed with the surf rope. It was so cute!

See how he's kind of smiling a content smile?  It's because he has the rope. 

He was willing to share it, which was nice. 

Our address is Whiskey Cove, so we have a center piece of whiskey bottles.  How fitting. 

Josh and I tried to relax in the hammock, so lovely.  Such silly faces!

The boys hooked up inner tubes to the dock and then jumped from the knee board to the tube to the dock to the tube, and on and on and on. 

Ruby was a happy and very tired girl. She swam so much, and was so happy with her freedom. 
Happy girl in the sunshine. 

We had several good conversations and laugh sessions around the fire pit.  I can hear Luke's laugh now!

The previous owners left a jet ski lift, and the boys made good use of it for their kayaks.  Lotta work balancing the kayaks just right, but it must be worth it. :)
Sunday afternoon we went to Polson for lunch, and my parents came down to join us.  Smiling parents! 

Sunday night we had a huge Jenga battle. 

I wish we could hear Luke's advice for Grampa. 

Sunday night after the sun went down we played some games of 31, using cinnamon bears for the ante.  These two goofballs are great entertainment. 

Josh got a case of the giggles. 

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