Sunday, August 13, 2017

Boat Life

Monday was a big day for the boys.  They "starred" in their first promo video.  They put gator step (a foamy kind of material) on our boat rails and we  did it with our friend Eric, who owns wbp, a wake boat company.  They got to show how easy it is to install/apply the gator step.  They hammed it up and were so cute, I almost laughed my head off!

Eric surprised us and got us this custom piece for the back step.  

Saturday we were camping at Hauser Lake with a bunch of friends from lacrosse.  These boys are a ton of fun.  Clockwise from the center with the cute little blond, we have Cooper, Josh, Sammy, Luke, and Toby.  

They all rode on the 3-person tube.  They were hysterical to watch because they were dancing and lip syncing.

Josh tried knee boarding and loved it. 

He even did 360's like they were no big deal.  He's fun to watch!

Luke also knee boarded, but he looks a bit more concerned!

Sunday morning they went for a boys trip on the boat.  Luke was determined not to get in the water, but after daddy swamped him and his pants were wet, he decided to surf in pants.  This is not something I ever expected to see.  
Sunday afternoon Josh got to go to Rogen's fishing birthday party.  They had a  ton of fun! 

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