Sunday, May 21, 2017

Last Lacrosse Weekend

This is what the boys came up with when they were practicing for super hero day.  They think Luke has a nice "man bun."

Luke got to have breakfast with Daddy on Sunday morning.  The Red Chair has great food day and night! 

Sunday we took the lid off the Jeep for the summer.  Josh and I drove home topless. 

Happy Fathers Day to Mikey!  We bought him the surf board he has been wanting for so long! Get ready for some serious good times this summer on this super fun board. 

Last lacrosse weekend!  The boys played great but went 0-2 for the day  Look at these fun boys!  (Josh is #2 in the back in the center.)

We wanted to get some good pictures of Josh while he was wearing his "normal" jersey, White, and so here are some more action shots.  This is Josh scooping and running. 

This is the running part...

Josh played such great defense that he was marked up against the best shooter on the team.

Josh had a great goal during the first game and Mike took a series of shots capturing it. 


This is my current favorite picture.  
And another series of pictures of Josh's goal during the next game. 

The ball almost got the goalie in the face!
Tough guy.  

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