Sunday, August 7, 2016


Monday night we had visitors!  Mike and Bonnie brought Sierra down to pick up Josh and Luke to take them back to Great Falls Tuesday-Thursday.  We went to dinner at the Red Chair, so why not get a photo of them sitting on the red chair? :) 

They wanted to sleep together, so we put sideways in Josh's bed -- their feet almost hung off the edge! 

Wednesday they went to the State Fair and had mini donuts for daddy. 

They also had Vikings, a Great Falls tradition! 

Luke is a bumper car kind of guy!

Ice cream to top off their day of amazing fair food? 

I love Luke's face in this photo!  

Luke rode with Sierra's friend Hayley!  Josh didn't want to do the rides as much, so that worked out well. 

The 4 grandkids! 
While the boys were off galavanting in Great Falls, I was visiting three jobsites in three days.  I went from a job in Tennessee to two in Alabama, and had a grand ol' time myself. It was crazy hot, but fun to see all our cool work. 

Before we knew it, we were on Canyon Ferry again!  Yay for the weekends! Love this smiley bunch. :) 

Luke was the only one who wanted to tube, so we gave him his own personal ride. He loved it! 

He got a lot of fun air! He was so light, and he loves to do the "tornados" so that's what we did! 

this guy doesn't get enough R&R, so it makes me happy to see him relaxing properly. 

Josh wanted another try at surfing, and he rocked it!  He did well with a slack rope, and popped up every time like it was no big deal.  

he even threw the rope twice!  

Surf's Up!

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