Sunday, August 21, 2016

Dogs, Injuries, Board Meetings

We had a little puppy play date with Bobby Monday night.  He's so funny, he is kind of lazy and likes to lay down a lot.  Josh thought he'd get down to Bobby's level to convince him to keep going. 

We took a walk through the neighborhood, one kid on a scooter and one kid walking the dog. They switched off, and this picture of Luke walking Bobby while wearing his full face helmet makes me laugh. 

We stopped at our friends' house, who has neighbors building a house and a lovely dirt pile. The kids played there forever, just enjoying dogs, dirt and sunshine!

Wednesday the boys went to gramma and grampa's pool at Bear Canyon.  Josh loves the water slide@

Luke is pushing Josh into the pool.  Josh said he did a "630 spin" into the pool.  Counting every angle, it's a 540 plus 90.  

Thursday was cast removal day!  Josh was hard on this second cast, one that he's had for 4 weeks only!

The hand bridge part started falling apart about a week and a half ago, so we duct taped it to keep from getting it recasted (again).  

And he's free!

He said it felt very strange to be free of the cast, and kept holding his arm like this.  thanks for the "after" smile!

The boys came to my office before the doctor, and when they left I found this on my back.  Classic move,!

Later on Thursday, Luke was standing on the wall between the therapy pool and the swimming pool at The Ridge, and got his left leg trapped between the pool wall and the hand rail. He was stuck there for about 45 minutes! The Ridge employees finally tried the magic combination of prying, yanking (Zach from in the pool) and good ol' vaseline.  He was completely unhurt, other than a nasty bruise! So lucky!!

As per our typical summer weekend, we went to Canyon Ferry (Goose Bay) for another fun weekend on the lake!  Andy pulling Ty, pulling Connor here on their kayaks.  These kids are close as cousins. 

Josh was a great surfer this weekend. He rode for about 15 minutes (three songs!) without the rope!  I love his smile and his "look ma no hands" here! 

Luke got some surfing time in, too. Look at that slack rope -- he's surfing! 

Luke likes wake boarding (maybe) better than surfing, so he did more of that.  

Sunday night we had Mike, Bonnie, Bob, Shelley and Greg over for dinner.   A few years ago (we're thinking maybe 2010?) Greg made this cardboard box into The Turd Launcher, where the kids climbed in and someone kicked it from behind. The boys are much bigger now, and barely fit into the box, but still loved playing with it!

Luke brought it back to the attic by carrying it on his back. He looked like SpongeBob Square Pants!

We're only missing Martha for a full Board Meeting!  What a great way to end our week! 

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