Sunday, May 15, 2016

We're Going to Jackson...

Luke's first away games were this weekend in Jackson WY.  He played 6 games (4 Saturday and 2 Sunday) and they won them all.  

Josh's team did well, won their first three games of the season (so now their record is 3-7). He played great!

He's the red guy in the middle with the black shorts with red/white stripes. He played attack (offense) most of the weekend and he did great. 

These two are so funny!  This is the way they posed when we were going to lunch with some teammates. Cocky?  Cute!!

Luke was pretty tired...laid on the ground for a minute even. 

This is Luke (#16 for Joe Montana!) catching a ball...

Here's Josh (the far left red guy...) getting aggressive.

This is my new favorite picture.  

And a close up of his darling little smirk.

He played so good...he did a few face offs and he did great. 

Saturday night many boys in the pool, and then in the hot tub, and eventually at the computer station where they watched you tube videos of lacrosse players.   Die hards!

Luke made his first two goals ever this weekend. Here is one of his shots.  He looks tough. :)
I didn't take any pictures  of the 4 games on Sunday because it was raining hard and it was just too cold to work a camera.  I couldn't resist this photo, though, so I'll leave you with this gem. 

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