Saturday, April 30, 2016

Friday Fun Day

Thursday the boys went to a co-worker's wife for the day while Mike and I worked.  Friday Mike went to work like usual in the morning, and the boys and I slept in.  We had a quick breakfast and then the boys swam like crazy kids.  They were trying to perfect the mid-air high five!

Before we headed to work to show the boys the joist, we grabbed second breakfast. Luke chose a piece of bread and whipped cream. Breakfast of Champions!

Then we got to take a ride in the work helicopter!  Josh is saying "This is AWESOME" in this picture. 

The helicopter had no doors, which was so super cool. The pilot took us over the lake, and banked it hard out josh's window.  It was the highlight of his day and the weekend!

This is pre-take off!

And post trip.  Josh LOVED it!  

The two of us posing by the bird.
Luke didn't want to go in the helicopter. He thought it would be too loud, too cold and too scary. He was probably right.  He didn't even like to be outside during landing, so he stayed in the car during the 3 landings that he watched. He was so impressed that the helicopter shook the doors when it landed. 

After a nice Mexican lunch and trying to see some work, we headed to Hollywood to see the Chinese Theater and the stars  on the sidewalk.  That was cool, and then we went to Dave and Busters to have some serious fun.  Luke couldn't reach the pedals on this game, so I held him and worked the gas (no brakes necessary for us!) and he steered. 
They loved this Star Wars game

This one was more of a ride than a game, but they still liked it. 

Serious boys!

We caught a fun view of the Hollywood Sign (the #1 thing they wanted to do in CA) from the  mall where we parked.

It's just like in the pictures. :)

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