Saturday, February 20, 2016

My little fishies

The boys have been taking swim lessons for the last week so they can be a little more ready to play in the ocean in Florida.   They go to the Ridge, and they love to get their early to play.  I usually swim too, but today I decided to sit out and capture some moments.  I love the brothers smiling.

Luke's goggles are a little screwy, just like him. :) 

How does Josh have alfalfa hair in the water?  I love love love his crazy hair. 

Josh had lessons first, so Luke played over on the side by himself.  He is working on treading water, and apparently playing football. 

Josh is frustrated that the teacher is making him "slow down" but it's good stuff.  Josh has a wicked dolphin kick. 

Taking it all in...

And this is how Josh spends his time while Luke is in his lesson.  In the warm pool (duh!), playing football. He later threw the ball far away, and then swam for it working on his skills.  I couldn't ask him to do that, but I love it. 

Luke's working on side to side and breathing, super important.

I LOVE the gaping open mouth. 

 So focused.

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