Sunday, February 14, 2016

Lacrosse boys

After last week's lack of pictures, I decided to try to take more pics throughout the week. This is Monday night, on our way to a PAC meeting. The boys brought their lacrosse sticks to play outside until it was dark.  Josh bring his stick to school every day, he's intense. 

Turns out that Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings were pretty much focused on Science Fair with Ashtyn. Her board and her project turned out great, I hope she gets a great grade on this!  She looks so happy and proud. :) 

Friday morning I came to Luke's classroom to help build land forms out of papermache. This is the class listening to their assignment...look at Luke's poopeye.  

This is the mid-way product, final product for the day.  The students will paint these landforms next week and I'll show you more progress.  This elementary school stuff is my jam, I think it's all so cute! 

When they were finished with their landforms, they wrote a How To book. This is a glimpse at Luke in his school environment, a view I don't get often. 

Later on Friday, I came to Luke's Valentine's Day party. They were wearing their heart hats, which I adore! 

Josh made a robot for his Valentine's Day party.  He did it all himself, 100% without me, (see above photo regarding Science Fair...I was kind of distracted this week), and he was really proud of it! 

Saturday Luke's basketball game was good. He played hard, and played well. He did a great job! 

Saturday night Mike and I went for a date.  We went to Saffron Table for some Indian food, and then to Bozeman Distillery for a drink.  They make huckleberry mules with real huckleberries on top.  Bliss!

Happy Valentine's Day!  Heart(ish) shaped pancakes for breakfast, and gift opening so we could all dive into our chocolates. 
The boys got me these lovely flowers, chocolate and a candle. They sure now how to spoil me! 

We've had a lot of home time this weekend, and the boys have been playing a lot of funny games.  This is my favorite.  They have pillows in their shirts and they're doing sumo wrestling.

This is the point.  I love how Josh is jumping and Luke is just bracing for the impact. 

Sunday the three of the boys played a little lacrosse catch in the driveway.  

Luke's a good little catcher. 

They got 7 catches in a row!

Sunday evening we went to a brewery for a charity event, and then we went to Victory Tacos for dinner.  The boys can't seem to stand still, even when waiting for food. I asked them to smile for me, and they kind of did!  Shocking.

This is more like it...silly faces for the win!

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