Saturday, January 2, 2016

Pre Week

The kids were out of school for three days before Christmas Eve -- we had to fill our hours with fun outside with friends, we just had to!  The kids worked on a video and a snow fort. :) 

When they were inside, they decided to shoot suction cup arrows at the highest window in the house.  Of course!

We took a drive to look at lights, and I loved watching them take in the details.  They're only young once. :) 

Christmas Eve morning was amazing.  The boys had a grand plan to arrange the gifts for all of the people in the house (all 8 of us!) and so they did a rehearsal in the morning.  Serious stuff. 

It took a few hours, and allllll of the living room!

When Gramma and Grampa Wright came, they brought light saber gifts for Luke.  Josh and Daddy quickly began fighting with them. 

Looked like a pretty intense battle, judging from Josh's face.

Christmas Eve church came before Luke was ready to get dressed in his fancy suit.  Last year it was Josh that caused an hour of wardrobe drama, this year Luke. Sigh.  He buttoned his own shirt and would not take off his nike tee shirt, and I don't care. 

See the patience in my tired eyes? 

Wrights and Jenkins together for a joyful portrait. Ha ha

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