Friday, September 5, 2014

Luke's off to Kindergarten!

This is our baby.  Our big, 5-year old Kindergarten student!  

He really loves his Minion backpack, and insisted it be in the picture. 

He will be taller than daddy when he's kneeling soon. 

I love that Luke is holding Daddy's hand.

They wanted to do silly faces.  This is zombie boys

And this is a silly pose...Luke on his knees and daddy standing instead of the other way around. 

He's laughing so we got a real smile. 

Aww, he's holding my hand...

Can you see his eye through the handle on the backpack?  He's so funny.
He looks so big here, but he looks like a baby compared to the rest of the school.  My Sweet Baby Lucas. 

We have to do this the first day of Kindergarten so we can see how short he was. :) 

It's apparently a popular thing to do, because two of his soccer friends (and there super photogenic sister) did it too! I'm so glad Luke has friends before he starts school. 


As soon as we got to the playground, he dropped his backpack and took off. Alone.  Instead of looking scared or lonely, he looked like he owned the place.  Ready to try all these new fun things. 
Coming back in after the bell rang. He had some serious swagger goin' on. 

So sweet, just standing in line with his minions. 

The final wave.  Man do I love him. 

And they're off.  Such a cute little line. 

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