Monday, September 2, 2013

Campfire Fun

Since we had the boat from 7 AM until 1 PM, we did a crappy job with sunscreen on our kids.  Poor Joshy had a lot of sun and a lot of bug bites.  But he was happy enough to give me his "photo" smile while he was whittling his marshmallow stick. 

Luke was SO proud of his marshmallow roasting stick.  

Josh called in the big guns (dad) to help him get the marshmallow stick just perfect. 

Luke was so happy to roast his own marshmallows on his own stick...

Every year for the last 3 years we've had a picture of these two camping...this year their smiles are bigger than usual....could have something to do with what's in that cup and what's in Luke's hand. :) 

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