Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Birthday to Sierra

We love the big pumpkin!  I heard that it weighed over 500 lbs!

This picture makes me smile -- a lot of real personalities in this one. 

Cutie faces

What cute little kiddos, waiting for the cow train. 
And away they go!!
Josh driving the tractor -- he's a bit intense. I'm not sure I'd ride with him. 
This is Josh's favorite part of the whole farm.  He loves to jump!

Nice tuck move.

He's unstoppable.

Luke tried some jumping too. He was brave!

Look at that form!

The kids made a train through the pipe slide -- so fun.  You could hear their laughter the whole way down!

The walk through the corn maze was really fun. 

Luke is the happiest boy I know.  

These two are peas in a pod...

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