Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Walk Outside

The boys NEEDED to go outside Saturday afternoon. Josh thought it would be a great idea to chew on some grass.  Hick.

They had some serious exploring to do.

Josh is big into crossing the little creek.  Here he is jumping as Luke cautiously waits on the high and dry  bank.

This is a different attempt at crossing, still full of athleticism.
Josh was quite disappointed that Daddy can cross places that Josh can't.  Daddy showed the difference in their legs, how daddy had a longer stride, but then Josh countered with "oh yeah, but I can do the splits" and plopped down.  No arguing that one!

This was my personal favorite attempt. He knew he could not clear it, so he tucked his pants into his boots and planned for a one-hop-cross.  Fantastic plan, fantastic form.

Then they found a big rock.  Here Josh is walking the plank, hands tied behind his back, preparing for Pirate Daddy to push him.  It's sunny where he lives.

Luke on a rock. I can't believe how long his hair is getting.  This is his wind blown look.

This is the Don't Take My Picture Pose. Cute.

Luke and Daddy battling on the rock, and Luke won.  So long Daddy!

I like this picture, just daddy's feet as he falls and Luke's little tippie toe looking after him.

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