Sunday, April 22, 2012

Shoulda Been A Cowboy

This face.  He slays me.  Those sweet brown eyes!

Darn the Blogger and rotating photos!  ARGGGG!
This is Josh all decked out in cowboy gear -- boots, jeans, hat.  His shirt turns color in the sun. It's not very cowboy-ish, but its officially the coolest shirt we've ever seen! 

Crossing the creek in long pants requires hiking up to past your knees.  Love this look.  

Nice Canadian Tan!  

I love this picture - such a silly and real smile.

In this random picture,  Josh is putting the sneak on -- there were two kids playing across the creek and he was spying on them/sneaking up on them.  

Cowboy Luke doesn't quite take his job as seriously as Josh does.

Still, he has to cross the creek like Joshy. 

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