Monday, April 23, 2012

Earth Day

Josh was outside doing his "homework" for the day. Collect litter from your yard. 

Since our yard backs to an open space, he thinks it's all part of our territory. He hops that fence at least once a day (coming home off the bus usually), and is an ol' pro at it!

Luke wanted to take part in this fun, but he refused to wear shoes. So he was reduced to just climbing in and out of the window (aka the Secret Door) the whole time. These boys are so entertaining!

Tri Mommy Tri

I truly cannot believe I'm putting this picture on the internet -- me in a tri suit.  But I am  hulking it out by my flowery baby blue bike, so I think it's all good.  

Once again, body marking makes me feel like a total bad ass. 

My swim heat was so much fun!  We had four women in our lane, and I was in the #1 position (in the flowery swim cap in the foreground). I loved this competitive nature of this swim. I even swam 2 minutes faster than normal (23 minutes instead of 25).

Off I go into the gloomy, rainy, murky canyon.  We biked from campus to East Missoula -- a beautiful course.
My friend Dana took these pictures, THANK YOU, and she ran the final 5K with me, so I have no pictures from the finish line or the run leg at all. I'd rather have the memory of Dana running with me than pictures anyway! :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Workin on the Farm

Cute little Luke trying to help weed the garden

We asked them to give each other a hug. Josh is a bit overzealous.

I love Luke's concerned eyes in this picture. 

He's concerned for good reason -- Josh wrestles him to the grass!

Can you look at this without smiling? I can't!

I was weeding the garden getting it ready for planting, and Josh came over to help.  Soon so did Luke.  Mike declared this a "beer drinking sport" and we let them go to town!

Josh was prying up the pavers to get the weeds underneath. He put in 100% effort.

Work work work

My favorite picture of the day.

Shoulda Been A Cowboy

This face.  He slays me.  Those sweet brown eyes!

Darn the Blogger and rotating photos!  ARGGGG!
This is Josh all decked out in cowboy gear -- boots, jeans, hat.  His shirt turns color in the sun. It's not very cowboy-ish, but its officially the coolest shirt we've ever seen! 

Crossing the creek in long pants requires hiking up to past your knees.  Love this look.  

Nice Canadian Tan!  

I love this picture - such a silly and real smile.

In this random picture,  Josh is putting the sneak on -- there were two kids playing across the creek and he was spying on them/sneaking up on them.  

Cowboy Luke doesn't quite take his job as seriously as Josh does.

Still, he has to cross the creek like Joshy. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

What a Circus!

We went to the Jordan World Circus on Wednesday night -- the boys were in complete awe! 

They were riveted by the acrobatics, the woman changing her clothes in a tent, the tigers, the jugglers, the whole thing! Our friends Derek, Lisa, Ty, Michelle, Erik, Simon and Sidney were with us for a fun family friend affair!

Ty and Luke are checking out the action up close. 

Couldn't resist a face shot.  I love Derek's protective hands on Ty's bum. :)

And last but not least, proof that I attended the circus. Josh has a pretzel in his mouth, but lets ignore that for now...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Class Picture Day

Today was Josh's class picture day.  For Easter, I bought the boys these vests with white polos. The Easter Bunny brought the green polos. Josh thought he should wear them together so that he could be camoflaged -- since brown and green camo well -- and I could not argue with that solid logic.  So there he'll be, captured for eternity in his class picture, in his roll-your-own camo.

The boys HAD to be matchers today (even though the shirts don't match the vests...)

This is what I get when I say "smile for me"

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Coloring the Eggs

Saturday we decided to dye the Easter Eggs, even though the boys thought it would be too messy and "boring".  Sigh.
I got the whole thing set up, told them how much fun this would be, and let them at it.

Crazy Josh -- he didn't know I was trying to get just the bowls of colored water and he snuck in a cross eyed photo bomb.

Compliant little Luke, stirring his blue egg patiently.

Josh was very patient for a while.

The silliness got kicked up a notch when I asked them to pose with their eggs...the boys cannot keep their tongues in their mouths in front of a camera.  I hope this is a short phase.

And without warning, Luke announced "I'm done." and he was gone.  So that's that.

Crazy Hair

Luke's hair is long and crazy.

Josh's hair is also long and crazy

Luke couldn't take a picture without sticking out his tongue

Josh loves easter cookies

This is cool hand Luke

We had a big day on Saturday.  Luke fell asleep on Dad's lap watching Transformers. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Action at the Snow Fort

The boys are ready for battle.

And it begins!


This one actually hit the camera