Sunday, March 18, 2012

Star Wars Invasion

Josh as Lord Grievious (aka Lord Gravious -- don't try to tell Josh how to pronounce it, you're wrong!)

Luke as Darth Vader. We have to call him Lord Vadah when he wears the mask.

The cutest little Yoda I've ever seen. Yoda uses two fingers when he does the force -- see Luke's hand ready to use the force on the camera?

Using the force.

And these might seem odd choices for pictures to put on the blog, but they've been playing the Star Wars Wii game so much lately, this is a typical sight around our house. Josh is super serious, as usual, and can't even look at the camera for aone second.

Luke loves playing the Wii too -- even if Josh yells at him to do the more advanced moves when Luke doesn't know what he's doing.  Luke's so easy going. 

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