Sunday, March 18, 2012

Our two day spring break

This week was Bozeman's spring break. I worked the first three days, and took Thursday and Friday off for a nice little break. 

We went "hiking" around the trails behind the library, and ended up on Peet's Hill.  The boys ran everywhere we went, so they got warm fast.  Josh said it's ok to take off your shirt when you're running, he's seen it done. So here are my hot hiking boys!

When we stayed home, they played hunter.  This is Josh's very deliberate ensemble.  He's got a mask, a camo bandana on top of the mask, a paper gun and a camo shirt. Animals would run scared from him!

Luke's hunter outfit was a bit more, shall we say casual?  Josh tied Luke's bandana on, and it turned out to be more of a headband. (He'd be a beautiful girl...) The claw slippers really sold it for me.

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