Sunday, January 8, 2012

Toothless Wonder

Josh finally lost his first tooth!  The bottom two have been wiggling since Thanksgiving, and his permanent teeth are nearly all the way in, so it's about time.  He's so excited for the Tooth Fairy to come tonight. He's posing with the bag of loot.

The placement of the baggie is critical.  It has to be peeking out so that she can reach it easily and exchange it for a dollar.

This is the first of three silly pictures.  I said Smile so I can see your new missing tooth gap.  Here is what I got.

This is what I got when I said no, show me your bottom teeth. You can see that with one of the middle teeth gone, the other is just listing in there waiting to fall out.

And because I can't stop taking horrible and awkward pictures, here is a close up of the chaos that is his mouth.  The two big boy teeth and one baby tooth in front.  And some serious nostrils.

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