Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pizza Planet Birthday Party

We went to Butte on Sunday to celebrate my cousin Brianna's daughter's third birthday.  The boys love Silver Bow Pizza Parlor, aka Pizza Planet.  It's total chaos, we love it!

My silly boys were riding the crocodile together. Josh simply would not look at me.

Josh was showing us how easy some of the rides were -- he was doing his patience meditations during the rides.  I could not make this stuff up.

This is one of several really bad photos of the carosel rides.  The boys loved it, they were giving high fives and Josh was meditating, but I have no such pictures to show you.

Here's Josh riding the buckin' bronco, who looks more like a race horse to me. 

Carter and Landon on the carosel. They're better trained at this whole picture thing -- they smile on command.

Landon and Josh playing basketball.  They're too small to even try to make a basket from the floor so we just put them in the game. It worked nicely.

Josh and Landon playing a game.  Josh really thought Landon was super cool.

Luke driving.  He liked to do all the riding games and kept more to himself.

He loved the red train ride the best.

Here is the birthday girl blowing out her candles.  She had a Tangled Cake.  It was beautiful!

Avery made out like a bandit, got all kinds of fun toys and beautiful clothes.

This is baby Liam, our newest addition in the generation of second cousins.  He's a doll.

And last but not least, Jordan holding Teague.  He's one cute baby and he's got a fantastic walk going on.  So glad we could come visit our family members and share in such a fun day! 

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