Monday, May 14, 2018

Baseball, Lacrosse and Mother's Day

Thursday night Luke had a rainy baseball game.  

He had some pretty big fans in the stands! 

This is a horrible picture but it is a memory we can't forget.  Friday night at Jackson, when all the kids were playing in the pool, Luke found a friend who was done swimming.  They went to his room and played FortNite. Luke got 2nd place to Thanos, and apparently that is a HUGE deal.  His face is so intense here...

Saturday morning he was chipper and ready for a pose with the bears. 

Saturday we were scheduled for 4 games, but only played one.  Josh got to play goalie during that game, though, and did really well!  

The team hung out in the umbrella shade while we waited for our game to start. Josh is in the way back, stringing a head for a friend.  

Sunday morning was foggy and mysterious.  Warm ups started at 8:15. 

Josh is #2, kind of in the middle. 

I kept score/time with my friend Jen, and our 'new friend' Jill from Jackson. 

The fog burned off and it was a lovely day for the second game of the day.  They got to play at the stadium, which is artificial turf!

Josh got a penalty, which means he has to sit "in the box" in front of the score keepers table.  I had to snap a shot, right? 

Mother's Day picture with my lacrosse boy!

We had a nice lunch, and I got a lot of spontaneous hugs from Luke. He was really sweet about Mother's Day. 

We drove through Teton and Yellowstone on the way back. The views were incredible! 

Still a TON of snow in the park!

We came home and rushed to dinner, but when we got home, I got the sweetest presents. I got a Mama Bear MT tee-shirt, a Montana love wine glass, a giant inflatable pink flamingo (like 7' across!!), and a hand written kindle gift card.  This is my favorite gift ever, though.  A hand written coupon from Luke.  10 free hugs.  :) 

The back of the coupon was "kids get la tinga on bikes" and 4 free choices.  I love that it expires never. 

This was at the Red Chair, my favorite.  Love these little monkeys! 

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