Sunday, March 19, 2017

Day 6 - Road to Hana

We decided to go find a waterfall along the Road to Hana, but we didn't want to do the whole road because it takes all day. We brought a good luck charm of a dashboard hula girl and a gps-voice app, which told us where we were and what to do.  

Our first stop was this secluded waterfall. When we got there, there were only two people there.  It was like paradise, and a lot prettier water than is shown in this picture.  

Go Pro selfie after we swam under the water!
This was the walk to the pond/falls, which was nice!

It felt like a secret that we were in on! 
When we left, there were more people and one of them offered to take our picture. 

This is the view from so much of the road, ocean and lush green everywhere! 

Back seat smiles!

When Luke was riding up front, he liked taking random car selfies.  I like this one for Josh and Mike in the back. 

He tried a lot of different angles.

Road side selfie. 

And another road side selfie.  

We couldn't' stop ourselves from taking pictures. 

Many of the trees had those pretty red flowers blooming. 

We found a place called Ching's Pond that was a great little swimming hole. 
We swam up to the falls, and then jumped off the rock several times.  We took a lot of video, but not so many photos. 

We made it to Hana Town!  Josh and Daddy went for a little exploring walk while Luke and I waited for lunch.  They found a secluded little red sand beach. 
The red sand was so bright! It was a tiny beach, but still cool to see. 

I couldn't get over how clear the water was. 
The boys liked the "cave" with the tree roots. 
This was the view from the cave area at the red sands area.  So secluded feeling. 

We settled in at Black Sand Beach for a while.  It was a lovely stop. 

We toasted to enjoying the gifts of Maui. 

The Black Sands beach was gorgeous, so much bright green against the stark black rock. 

We took a hike looking for a pair of hidden caves, and got to see some incredible scenery. 

Always an adventure!

The boys had to get back in the water to cool off after our hot hike. 
I think this is part of Three Bears falls, but I can't remember.  It just all runs together. 

I got to ride in the back for the ride home.  It was amazing to see so much from the back! 

Waterfalls everywhere!
We got done with the road to Hana and went to Kihei to Moose McGillicutty's.  Luke told us that he wanted something Hawaiian and ended up eating a John Wayne Burger with bacon and an onion ring.  It was so big he couldn't get his mouth around it without some serious smooshing. 
Toast to a lovely day!
Josh watched the World Pro Surfing Competition at the bar. 

We couldn't believe we lucked out with another gorgeous sunset, so we went across the street to the beach so we could take some fun photos.  This is the standard pose. :) 

This is the hula dance pose. 

Squish the sun. 

Pinch the sun. 

It was a stunner of a sunset. 

Guess where we ended up for the end of the night?  You guessed it, the pool! 

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