Saturday, June 27, 2015

We Have Washington Cousins!

 Mike's Cousin Amy and her family made a quick visit to Bozeman and stayed with us.  They have boys ages 9, 7 and 2.  It was so much fun to finally introduce our boys to each other.

They played basketball in the driveway until sunset.  Kam is such a good dad, he played with them the whole time! 

Josh played defense by hanging on the rim and shoving his head through the net. Isaak is on his team, and is on the hood of the Heavy Chevy with Luke.  

We could have moved the truck I guess...but look at how fun this is?  

Much later into the evening we asked the boys to get ready for bed.  

Kam works for Omni Group (part of Apple) so his sons both had iPods.  They immediately took selfies and sent each other iMessages with zillions of emojis.  


This was the final sleeping arrangement, cozy as bugs in rugs. 

The next morning they had gatorade at the bar.  Tough guys. 

We went to the Museum of the Rockies and the kids did a science experiment involving candy.  Pretty cool!

I couldn't get over how cute they are in a row. Even simple things like watching a video made me smile. 

Terrible picture, but cool moment. 

Climbing on and near Big Mike was super fun. Terrible lighting but to get 5 boys to look at us was impossible. 

Josh ran into Big Mike's leg and cut his eyebrow open.  I thought nothing of it until he said "I think it's bleeding" and I looked over to see this! 

Strangely enough, Isaak had recently had a steri-strip type cut too, so Amy had steri-strips in her purse. We doctored Josh up in no time and then made the bruiser cousins pose together. 

Don't they look like they're asking for trouble? 

Close up.  The steri-strips didn't make it overnight, they fell off, so he's going to just have a little scar on his eyebrow.  He's got three scars so far. He's 9.  Sheesh, I feel like we need to get him a helmet. 

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