Sunday, June 14, 2015

Last week of school and a pretty epic party

Luke's first ever Field Day was a huge success.  It was Dr. Seuss themed, so the boys wore their Thing 1 and Thing 2 shirts.  Here is the green eggs and ham relay.

That night we decided it was high time to put out the swimming pool.  They of course chose the site, at the bottom of the slide.  They are goof balls with those silly faces. 

Luke wrote a book called "All About My Mom" -- this is the final page.  "The best thing about my mom is that she loves my whole family."  

We gave the boys legos for an end of year gift.  They quickly constructed them, and since dad was out of town we sent him this picture. 

This is was the last day of school looked like to me.  This is sangria seat belted in my car for safety. We met some friends at a park right after school, which was a terrific idea!

Last day of school!  They've grown so much!

Silly boys!  Nick, the boy on the right, is Josh's friend that came with us after school to the park.  

Friday morning we took the trailer out to the campground to get a good spot.  Luke was on point with the crankies. He takes his job so seriously. 

Check out this view!

Happy boys...

Josh fell asleep at about 7 Friday night (he desperately needed the extra rest!), and so we had an evening alone with Luke.  it was priceless.

It was a gorgeous night!

Luke did several dances for us with his pants hiked up to his nipples, which was fantastic.  

He said that this way feels better than loose pants.
Josh wanted to open his presents at the time he was born, so at 8:45 on Saturday morning we opened presents.  

This is from Luke...he gave him legos.  The Quinjet from Avengers, a huge hit. 

Josh has been asking for a kendama for years.  He finally got it, and he loves it. 

The Wrights gave Josh this amazing jersey.  He loves it! 

He posed like he's catching a game winning ball. 

This is his face when he opened the iPod that we gave him.  Home run. 

The party was Saturday afternoon to Sunday morning, 4 boys camping and having a blast.  They did some kayaking, some body surfing, had an epic dance party in the trailer, and of course staying up way too late in the tent. 

Luke needed to relax so he took a break on my hammock. How could this be relaxing --he looks like he's hanging on for dear life. 

My friend Emily came out for the afternoon, and she and Luke teamed up for some 31. 
For the cake, Josh wanted one that looked like a s'more. Thank God for pinterest. 

It was really windy when we were lighting the candles, so my incredibly resourceful husband found the torch to help out. 

Look at Josh's worried face!

We've never seen a cake you can eat with your hands...

And ice cream with a fork...

Mike went down on the kayak to tell the boys to stop body floating...he's a rescue man too. 

Saturday night Gramma and Grampa Harley got to the campground!  Yay!  We found a beaver in the river, and here we are all watching it. 

Sunday we were home and unpacked by 1 PM, so we got to bring the bar out of the garage and onto the patio. 

Sunday was Luke's last soccer game, and he was the designated kicker and thrower-inner.  He loved it!

After soccer, we headed up to Bridger Creek to see if they had any golf clubs for Luke to rent.  With this form, who would want to stop him from golfing?

Josh was giving it a go with the too-short clubs, which was fun.  It was way too windy to golf, so this was a short-lived adventure. 

We went home for some lego building and America ninja warrior, and Luke didn't make it.  I love his foot over his dad's leg, sweet boy. 

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