Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Happy Birthday to ME!

I'm sorry for those of you who follow me on Facebook, because most of these pictures have already been on there.  But this is My Blog, and I want them on here too. So skim quickly?
Luke picked out 40 flowers for me for my 40th birthday. What a sweet boy!
My friends Emily and Martha birthday bombed my office while I was away.  Look at this -- what a way to start my week!  Thanks girls!

For my birthday, Mike and I went to Boston and cape Cod for a long weekend. Thanks Mom and Dad for watching our boys while we were away!  This was an amazing trip that I won't soon forget. (I was going to say I'll never forget, but then I remembered I'm OLD now.)
This is my favorite view from our Cape Cod drives. And it was taken from our hotel parking lot.  LUCKY!
We took a little trip to a lookout tower to be rewarded with This View. Incredible.


This is our shadows onto the Plymouth Rock.  It was too shadowy to take a good picture, so this is what I decided to take instead. :)

We dipped on over to the Atlantic Ocean for some sand between our toes (well 10 of our toes..Mike was smart and left his tennyrunners on)

We searched high and low for the best clam chowdah, and we found it at Hyannis Port.  Delish!
Then we went to Boston, where we bee-lined it for Cheers. Just kidding, that was not our intention, but it is kind of what we did. And it was awesome.

My very accommodating husband walked blocks and blocks out of his way to find This.  The Boston Marathon Finish Line.  I really wish I was the kind of runner who could say with a straight face that I'd be back here one day, after running it, but I just know that isn't really the case. It was cool to see this once.

Harvard.  What an institution. It is like Montana Tech. In that it has brick buildings

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