Sunday, October 5, 2014

Happy 8th Birthday Sierra!

We made a quick trip to Great Falls to celebrate Sierra's birthday.  We stayed in our favorite hotel, the Holiday Inn Express  -- with the water slide!  The cousins had a nice little afternoon swim on Saturday.  Terrible picture of a cute moment. 

Luke really wanted an adult to catch him at the bottom of the slide, but no one was willing to get in the pool. He decided maybe Josh could catch him, and they were in line planning when Luke chickened out. Next year, he tells us. 
Hungry from the swimming, we went to dinner at Boston's.  The kids had their own table -- and they were so good! They behaved the entire time, ordered their own food, used good manners!  It was glorious.  
After dinner we decided to let the kids climb in the huge cottonwood tree in the back yard.  That thing is about 70 feet across, and 40 feet tall. It's best tree to climb ever!

Josh wished he could sleep in it!

Luke and Sierra were happy just monkeying around on the low branches, back and forth between several branches.
The brave and daring Luke!
The next morning we went to the MeadowLark school playground, where Sierra goes to school and where Michael and Jennifer went too! They are crazy monkey kids, it's so fun to watch them!

Before we knew it, it was birthday party time!  Luke and Josh loved this big inflatable dragon!  
Luke was a brave diver off the diving block.  He did a ton of dives and water slides and we got only crappy pictures and some videos.  Sigh. 

The doggie cousins got to meet for the first time. They were fast friends.  Bear is HUGE compared to Ruby, but because they're both quite puppy-like they didn't sit still for the whole weekend. 

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