Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy Halloween Party

We went to our friends' party this weekend dressed as Mork (RIP Robin Williams), a witch doctor, a wacky clown, and Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy.  Super fun.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Final Football Game 2014

Josh had a great football season. His team got trophies at the last game, he' so lucky!  
Luke had a great first season.  He did a lot of running the ball and some quarterbacking...even a little blocking.  He got treats instead of a trophy, which is probably more his speed anyway. 

Luke's little friend Reid was photobombing so we just asked him to hop into the frame...what a cutie he is!

Favorite Hat Day

Luke chose his Disney Land hat for Favorite Hat Day at school.  I can't stand how cute he is.

Neighborhood Halloween Party

We love the neighborhood we live in!  There are a ton of families and a lot of open space to roam. Our neighbor and friend Lora held a huge Halloween Party for about 20 kids!  
That is Josh's rainbow wig and Luke's backside in the orange costume.  They're making a halloween craft here. 

I like this picture of Elsa doing Bloody Hopscotch..the obstacle course was kind of creepy.

There were a bunch of took up a 1/2 block it seemed like!

The Pit of Parts -- cute little princesses and witches digging for severed ears and fingers.  

Just a random picture of kids you don't know...

Pizza Night

Friday night is Pizza Night at our house.  This Friday Daddy was home after being gone for 8 days, so we celebrated with homemade pizza!  We toss 'em, we're awesome!  

It takes a LOT of concentration according to Luke's tongue out. :) 
They were masterpieces!
Josh made a stuffed crust type of concoction, with crust then jalapenos then crust then the toppings.  It was really good!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Spotlight on Luke

Poor Luke was not feeling well last Wednesday, so he stayed home with me.  We had a nice little nap on the couch...see the stacked pillows?  I love this cuddle bug, wish it was not when he was sick, but I do love the cuddles.

Thankfully he was feeling better by the time he had a football game that evening.  This is not a great action shot, but I love how the coach still has to move them around on the line.
Thursday morning Grandma and I took Luke to a park because Luke asked to go. And while we were there, he asked me to take this picture.  Heart. Melted. 

Luke is tired of just helping cooking, now he wants to learn to cook. Last night he made chicken alfredo, and he did a bang up job.  He's stirring the noodles here.

He surprised me one morning by making my bed without being asked. He said his favorite part is the pillows...
While Mike and I were off gallivanting around in Massachusetts, the Butte Cousins came over to play. They went to the Hay Maze and captured this Keeper.

The 5 Butte cousins. (We miss you Landon!) Pretty good shot..4 out of 5 looking at the camera and mostly smiling

BB Gun Shooting

Josh did a great job at his bb gun shooting event at cub scouts last week.
He takes it very seriously, as he should!


He hit the target a lot! 

Happy Birthday to ME!

I'm sorry for those of you who follow me on Facebook, because most of these pictures have already been on there.  But this is My Blog, and I want them on here too. So skim quickly?
Luke picked out 40 flowers for me for my 40th birthday. What a sweet boy!
My friends Emily and Martha birthday bombed my office while I was away.  Look at this -- what a way to start my week!  Thanks girls!

For my birthday, Mike and I went to Boston and cape Cod for a long weekend. Thanks Mom and Dad for watching our boys while we were away!  This was an amazing trip that I won't soon forget. (I was going to say I'll never forget, but then I remembered I'm OLD now.)
This is my favorite view from our Cape Cod drives. And it was taken from our hotel parking lot.  LUCKY!
We took a little trip to a lookout tower to be rewarded with This View. Incredible.


This is our shadows onto the Plymouth Rock.  It was too shadowy to take a good picture, so this is what I decided to take instead. :)

We dipped on over to the Atlantic Ocean for some sand between our toes (well 10 of our toes..Mike was smart and left his tennyrunners on)

We searched high and low for the best clam chowdah, and we found it at Hyannis Port.  Delish!
Then we went to Boston, where we bee-lined it for Cheers. Just kidding, that was not our intention, but it is kind of what we did. And it was awesome.

My very accommodating husband walked blocks and blocks out of his way to find This.  The Boston Marathon Finish Line.  I really wish I was the kind of runner who could say with a straight face that I'd be back here one day, after running it, but I just know that isn't really the case. It was cool to see this once.

Harvard.  What an institution. It is like Montana Tech. In that it has brick buildings

More of Sierra's Happy Birthday Weekend

I poached a few pictures from Jennifer's blog to add to my blog from Sierra's Birthday Party.  Sorry if you check both blogs, these are all from her blog.

They have the best tree-climbing tree in their backyard!
I think Luke felt pretty darn proud of himself, what do you think?

They swing on these swings on every visit. One day I'll make a compilation of them on the swings through the years.  They're getting so big!
Luke and Sierra at the dragon's head!
Luke LOVED this water slide. He came flying out of there so many was a deceptively fast slide!
Sierra was really really hoping for a pogo stick in this long and skinny box. Look at her sweet face as she tears into the box.
And her first jumps on it were as much as she hoped for, with Grampa's help of course. :)

Ruby and Bear (both about a year old) were fast friends.  They even cooled off in the pool together.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Happy Fall Ya'll

This is the view of Bozeman from Drinking Horse.  It's a beautiful fall here this year! 

We were in a very Fall/Halloween mood on Saturday and so we did some sugar cookies.  Josh was really into the decorating.

Luke was more into the rolling and choosing shapes. 

And Sunday we shopped at pawn shops/thrift stores for costume pieces, and Luke found this gem of a painting. He declared it Mona Lisa when when she was a baby. I can't stop laughing at it...the boys even wondered if Mona Lisa smiled on picture day at school. We think no. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Happy 8th Birthday Sierra!

We made a quick trip to Great Falls to celebrate Sierra's birthday.  We stayed in our favorite hotel, the Holiday Inn Express  -- with the water slide!  The cousins had a nice little afternoon swim on Saturday.  Terrible picture of a cute moment. 

Luke really wanted an adult to catch him at the bottom of the slide, but no one was willing to get in the pool. He decided maybe Josh could catch him, and they were in line planning when Luke chickened out. Next year, he tells us. 
Hungry from the swimming, we went to dinner at Boston's.  The kids had their own table -- and they were so good! They behaved the entire time, ordered their own food, used good manners!  It was glorious.  
After dinner we decided to let the kids climb in the huge cottonwood tree in the back yard.  That thing is about 70 feet across, and 40 feet tall. It's best tree to climb ever!

Josh wished he could sleep in it!

Luke and Sierra were happy just monkeying around on the low branches, back and forth between several branches.
The brave and daring Luke!
The next morning we went to the MeadowLark school playground, where Sierra goes to school and where Michael and Jennifer went too! They are crazy monkey kids, it's so fun to watch them!

Before we knew it, it was birthday party time!  Luke and Josh loved this big inflatable dragon!  
Luke was a brave diver off the diving block.  He did a ton of dives and water slides and we got only crappy pictures and some videos.  Sigh. 

The doggie cousins got to meet for the first time. They were fast friends.  Bear is HUGE compared to Ruby, but because they're both quite puppy-like they didn't sit still for the whole weekend.