Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Teton National Park -- Jackson Lake

Woo Hoo! We're at Grand Teton National Park!  
While Josh went to go get his prop, Luke and I did our own silly pose.

Obligatory Silly Face Pose (it's the only way we can get them to do a "serious smile" pose...)
We started our day at Jackon Lake Lodge to get Jr Ranger papers, and of course check out the props.  
Josh was a Doose or a Meer.

Luke's mission for the whole trip was to see a moose, so he thought maybe if he could be one for a minute it would lure one to him.  Good thinking' 

After the gift shop and lodge, we went to a Ranger talk about Teton Birds of Prey. Josh was the assistant for a display, but somehow he was able to hide his enthusiasm. 
We headed off for the island hike that we loved when we were here in 2010.  The boys needed their hiking sticks/weapons, of course. 
Our budding photographer getting shots of the "wildflowers" in the parking lot. I think he might have been capturing some weeds...but if they're pretty to him, that's what counts.

Luke was really getting into his hiking stick action on the rocky beach.

We found this cool wind break fort, and the boys played in it for a second. Josh humored us and stood still for 3 seconds. 

They did some American Ninja Warrior Moves on these rocks...

It's preparation for the Quintuple Steps

I love that Mike caught this little slip on camera. Josh is usually so sure footed but he definitely falls a lot.  Gotta fall if you're pushing your limits, right? 

Luke would yell after he did a good jump.  YEAH in a  grunty voice...so tough. 

What form, what bravery...

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