Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Camper Life...

Our campsite was very close to the snake river.  Sunday night we took the boys on a bike ride and Ruby on a walk to go explore the river.  This is the silly face pose we got...

This was most of Ruby's weekend. She's not allowed in national parks, so she just rode around and waited until we got back to camp to play.

This is our campsite on Sunday night. We got a LOT of rain!  

We spent more time inside this trip that we have all summer.  But at least we had things like cards and checkers to keep us entertained. 

We had a few campfire nights...and we caught a rare Joshy smile!
Luke's face makes me laugh out loud every time I see it...

Luke said all weekend that he wanted to touch a cloud, and on Monday morning we woke up to an opportunity to do just that. This is him, rocking his Darth Vader jammies, in the clouds at our campground. 
Josh is literally touching the clouds...wasn't content to just stand in the clouds. 

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