Tuesday, May 14, 2013


we got a kitten!  Who would have thought?  It turns out that Mike's as powerless as I am to Luke's sad, big brown eyes. You see, we were at a barn themed birthday party that had live animals at it, and Luke fell in love with a kitten.  We told him no, went home strong and kitten-less, and then slept on it.  The next day, we had Champ the kitten. She's named after the MSU Bobcats mascot because she looks like a bobcat.  The boys are smitten.  So are we, actually. 
Who can resist this sweet face? 
She is very patient with the boys and their incessant handling.

Her favorite hiding place was in the cookbook shelf of our island. She's tiny!!

Luke loves to hear her purr.

I think Champ loves Luke as much as Luke loves Champ. 

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