Monday, April 23, 2012

Tri Mommy Tri

I truly cannot believe I'm putting this picture on the internet -- me in a tri suit.  But I am  hulking it out by my flowery baby blue bike, so I think it's all good.  

Once again, body marking makes me feel like a total bad ass. 

My swim heat was so much fun!  We had four women in our lane, and I was in the #1 position (in the flowery swim cap in the foreground). I loved this competitive nature of this swim. I even swam 2 minutes faster than normal (23 minutes instead of 25).

Off I go into the gloomy, rainy, murky canyon.  We biked from campus to East Missoula -- a beautiful course.
My friend Dana took these pictures, THANK YOU, and she ran the final 5K with me, so I have no pictures from the finish line or the run leg at all. I'd rather have the memory of Dana running with me than pictures anyway! :)

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