Sunday, April 8, 2012

Coloring the Eggs

Saturday we decided to dye the Easter Eggs, even though the boys thought it would be too messy and "boring".  Sigh.
I got the whole thing set up, told them how much fun this would be, and let them at it.

Crazy Josh -- he didn't know I was trying to get just the bowls of colored water and he snuck in a cross eyed photo bomb.

Compliant little Luke, stirring his blue egg patiently.

Josh was very patient for a while.

The silliness got kicked up a notch when I asked them to pose with their eggs...the boys cannot keep their tongues in their mouths in front of a camera.  I hope this is a short phase.

And without warning, Luke announced "I'm done." and he was gone.  So that's that.

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