Sunday, April 30, 2017

baseball and band concert

Luke started baseball this week.  They had "spring training" Monday and Tuesday, this is right before the first one.  

Thursday was the all district band and orchestra concert.  Josh looked sharp!

This is the band half.  So many instruments!  Josh did well, and the music all sounded great.  The band's final performance was Star Wars music! 

Friday Luke's class had a guest artist come teach them how to draw cartoon characters.  Luke said he loves drawing now. 

Saturday was Luke's first team baseball practice and also team pictures.  We love that he has Cub colors for his uniform. 

He kept his baseball pants on all day.  He also did a lot of sliding all day.  He is a pro! 
Josh had two games in Missoula on Saturday.  He got to use his eye black for these sunny games.  

Sunday afternoon we went to Sam's first communion party.  The kids love going to Sam's house because this shed is amazing.  The climb up it and jump off!

Luke liked hanging and playing with the ropes on the swing set frame.  It's a boy heaven type of backyard!

This is Luke's solar system that he made from scratch (just wooden dowels and styrofoam balls) during school at his passion project time.  He worked really hard on it, and did a lot of research on each planet.  He figured out he found 63 pieces of data and put them on a chart.  He even made Saturn's rings out of a paper clip.  

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