Sunday, January 15, 2017

Low Key Week

This is my first picture for the week, from Friday morning. Oops. It was SO pretty out Friday.  Sunny and freezing cold! 

Friday after school we went to U-Swirl and Luke came back from the bathroom saying "My picture is on the wall here. Come see."  I thought he was joking, but he was right!  U-Swirl sponsored his basketball team last year!  This year's sponsor is Rib and Chop House, so we'll have to go look for his picture there (nummy!).

Thursday afternoon the fifth graders had a field trip to the ice skating rink.  My friend Elizabeth was brave enough to chaperone, and posed with her son and two other crazy kids. These three boys are thick as thieves.
 Josh snuck into this photo at the last second, that's why the big smiled. 

Saturday Josh and Daddy went skiing, so Luke and I went to the Western Cafe.  Luke really wanted to go there to show daddy the big deer hanging on the wall. 

Goof ball selfies are my favorite!

Since Luke woke up at 11 AM (!!!) we went for breakfast for him and lunch for me, the best combo of brunch ever! We had huge, delicious meals in this "before" picture. 

Luke wanted an "after" picture too...clean plate club!

After we ate, we went to the Museum of the Rockies.  Luke had a dream about going there and seeing a buffalo, so we decided to go make his dreams come true. ;) 
Saturday Josh went skiing with Daddy and two guys from work. He held his own!  One of the co-workers actually said "that kid is crazy, I'm following him!"

The Ridge!  Top of the world!

See that ski boundary sign in the background?  they're pushing their limits!

He's a maniac!  Nice jump form, Joshy!

Sunday afternoon we went skiing while the kids had lessons.  Little different vibe when it's mommy and daddy alone.  We had a beer at the lodge to take a break from our 2-hour session. I was so impressed that Mike brought these from home in his backpack.  We were in line for our first kid-free lift and he said "I brought two beers in my backpack so tell me when you're thirsty." My heart burst with love for this super smart man.  

And then he blew our minds with a new appetizer dish, totchos.  Instead of tortilla chips, we used tater tots for the base of nachos.  Delicious!  

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