Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sparkles, Reading and a Tree

Sparkles came back when the boys came home from Hunting Camp, and she's been super silly so far. 

Another picture of my sweet boys reading in class together.  You can't really tell, but Josh's arm is around Luke's shoulder. 

Ruby and I took a nice, snowy walk Friday morning. 

Friday afternoon I got to come into the classroom while they did stations.  This is one station where you read to your partner.  I love Rogen's hair. 

I told you Sparkles has been silly!

Saturday morning we were supposed to run in the Santa Run 5K, but instead we took Joshy to the doctor. He's got bronchitis, and was given a breathing treatment on the spot.  Poor guy.  They sent us home with an inhaler, some antibiotics, cough syrup, and the joking instructions to play 12 hours of video games each day. 

Saturday afternoon we decorated our tree.  It's a beaut.  Not too tall, not too short, just right. 

I love Luke's smile in this picture.  

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