Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Last Week of School

Tuesday night Josh's team had an end-of-season bbq at the park.  They got matching shirts, how lucky! 

Wednesday I chaperoned a field trip for 4th graders to the Lewis and Clark Caverns.  I rode the bus up there and got these two for seat buddies.

This is the smiley picture.  They're just so cool.  Josh is in the back row, pretty much in the center. 

Dabbing is HUGE in their class. Josh doesn't like it, so he does a silly face where he puts his hat too close to his eye lids. Ack. 

Wednesday night the boys had their Cub Scouts Crossover.  Luke moved up from Tiger to Bear. 

Josh is now a Webelo 2.  

Thursday morning was their last day of riding the bus this year.  They are thrilled. 

Friday was the last day of school!  Woo hoo!!

I asked for a picture without Josh's hat, and this is the pose he threw. 

And I couldn't help but post this silly face pose -- it's off the charts awkward.

Fast forward a few hours, and we were here.  Canyon Ferry for a birthday bash camping weekend.  

We had 6 boys -- our 2 plus 4 friends - and Ady and Asha too.  It was a crazy crew for sure!

Check out this bunch of happy boys!

Boys will be boys.

The weather wasn't that great, so we didn't spend much time on the boat.  We came into shore and the boys had fun on the kayaks.  

We did one more trip, and Josh got to drive home. 

This is a terrible picture, but they don't sit still.  They whittled for hours and most of them came away with tiny wooden pencils. :) 

They had a pretty epic whiffle ball game. Eventually Tom pitched, and the score was something huge like 22-19 at the end.  

This is the birthday dinner that Josh planned.  Hamburgers and hot dogs, watermelon and corn.  Nummy!

Right after dinner they put the song "Pissing in the Wind" on repeat, and shook water bottles (which had been pierced by their new carved tools) to make it look like they were peeing.  Boys will be boys - again?

We sang happy birthday to Josh in our trailer.  He loved the attention.

He opened presents from his friends and brother. He got some really fun stuff--he's got some really good friends. 

Saturday night was nicer weather than we had seen all day and the boys asked if they could kayak across to the other side of the bay.  We said yes, but hurry, ha ha. This is actually a funny picture because Josh was riding in the green kayak, and you can see the wake of where he fell in from standing up (showing off). 

Where was this smooth water all day?  It's so pretty!

Every year these two do a campfire picture, and this one was the first of the year.  They've been doing this since Luke was 1!

Before we knew it, we had hungry boys for breakfast.  One of the friends, Aden, had to go home at night to be with his family, but these 5 hung strong. 

Sunday was MUCH nicer weather.  The boys did a quick morning kayak ride (Ruby was thrilled about this), before we went tubing. 

These girls are so stinking cute watching their brothers/friends. 

The last ride of the day was Kyler, Asha and Ady, and Luke - we let 4 of them ride together because we wouldn't go fast.  Look at Asha asking for us to speed up...she's a daredevil! What a fun weekend -- we are ready for this summer stuff to get rollin!!

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