Monday, September 7, 2015

Boat-astic Weekend

prepare yourself for an obscene amount of pictures of our new boat.  Skip this post if you're not into it...I won't ever find out. :) 

Friday we sprung the kids from school at noon and took them to Great Falls to buy our new boat.  This is what they thought of it.  

This is their version of kicking the tires. I think. 

Do you like the boat guys? 

Saturday we headed to Canyon Ferry to camp for Labor Day weekend.  We did not get the weather we ordered, but we were bound and determined to enjoy the time no matter what. Saturday afternoon we took a boat ride in hoodies and swimsuits.

Please take a second to notice how Luke is sitting.  I love that he's small enough to put his feet on the chair, not the ground.  One day he'll be full sized and in this boat (hopefully!) and we'll look back to these pictures with smiles. 

Ruby loves the boat. She's not sure where she belongs and why we're not swimming, but she's game for it. 

He's the king of the world! And he has never even seen Titanic!

It got too windy to go out again after dinner, so we just played on the beach. We had plenty of shoreline at our campsite.  The water was so low, we had a lot of playing room. 

Luke lost his favorite lure (aka the Kyler) and wanted to mark the location so we could look when it warmed up.  He made this pile of rocks for his landmark. 

Josh found a long vine and proceeded to use it as a whip.  He scared me a bit, to be honest.

Sunday morning we were back on the lake.  The boys were super goofy!

Daddy surfed behind his new boat, woo hoo!  I have never pulled anyone before, so this was my first time driving while someone was surfing.  Surprisingly chill, phew! 

We were just chilling...

I wonder what he was telling his daddy...and I love that Mike's hand is on top of Luke's.  So sweet. 

Josh really loves driving the boat. 

The Fontanas (3 of them) and Mike and Bonnie came down for the day.  The kids fit in the bow nicely.

Sierra kept asking if we could go faster and when we could jump in the water.  Here they are scheming -- who's jumping off where. 

Luke went to the back for a front flip.  He scares me. 

I guess the life jacket means back-flops don't hurt. :) 

Sierra didn't want to jump...she sort of gingerly stepped off the back swim deck.  

Josh's dive game is strong. He's more of a planker than a swan, but that's ok. 

Pretty soon, Luke got cold and asked about "that wetsuit" that we bought on clearance Thursday night.  Man he looks fabulous!

It kept him warm enough to do more jumps!
Luke and his wetsuit decided to try to learn to surf.  He watched Josh try without the tube as a starting seat, and it was hard, so he decided he'd try it this way.  He got up a few times, and stayed up for 20' or so.  This morning he told me that he thinks if he was not shivering, he could have stayed up longer. He's so right! 

Sierra was a great flag girl. 

Monday morning we went for another boat ride, mostly just to say we did.  It was so cold!  55 or so...hoody and long pants type weather. ;) 

Luke was pretty cold while daddy was swimming around washing off the boat.  (Crazy dad!)
Ruby loves the boat.  Really, she's smiling here. 

Not smiling like THIS. This is a real smile. I love this smile so much! 

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