Sunday, April 5, 2015


Gramma and Grampa Wright came to visit us for Easter. Friday we dyed eggs. 

The boys were not willing to stain their shirts so they did it topless.  We tried a new plastic shallow tray kit, which was fun but hard to watch. Luke was not impressed at how long it took to dye the egg. 

Saturday we had a neighborhood easter egg hunt across the street.  

The boys were wild and goofy for pictures. 

We call Luke "Bucket Head." Josh was wondering why Emma (age 2) was on the 6+ side of the park...

This side is for the hard core kids.  On your marks...

Before we knew it, the Easter Bunny had visited our house. 

Luke joyfully modeled the fun bunny glasses that were on his easter basket.  

The Easter Egg hunting was intense this year.  Josh found one on the banister, and started to climb up the outside. Luke took the stairs and beat him to it. Silly brothers. 

The boys both built guard systems around their baskets.  Gotta protect their loot!

They got all dressed up for church.  Josh rocks that suit! 

my little suit and tie boys. 

I swear I was not pinching them and I have no idea why they look so tortured. 

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