Sunday, February 8, 2015

My Little Scientists

Last week was the science fair.  Luke did a project called Colorful Milk where you add food coloring to milk, then dip some dish soap into the bowl and watch the colors swirl. He loved telling the teachers all about it.  

This is the Judge Teacher and so he saved the entire experiment for her. She was so patient while he dropped all four colors in, then slowly and carefully dipped a q-tip into the soap, and on and on.  He got a blue ribbon.  

We had dinner there, and while we were eating we said something like "nice job on your presentation to the teacher judge, Luke' and he said "yep, I got a blue ribbon hangin'."  

And right next door to Luke was Josh and Gabe's team project of "What GoPro Mounts Can You Make or Modify?"  They focused on finding new and fun ways to use their GoPros that don't rely on using a GoPro mount as it was intended.  Josh came up with some fun ideas.  Ski boot mounts, dog mount (my personal favorite--great view of Ruby's flopping ears!),  swim mount where the swimmer wheres the chest mount on their back, football mount on the football, skateboard mount, nerf gun mount, you get the point. 

Gabe had a fun idea of hooking the GoPro to some string for a zip line mount.  It was so fun to watch these kids use their imagination and science. Josh was in his element - my friend told me that if/when Josh is "finding himself" later in life and asks us what he was super into when he was a kid, we'll mention this.
As we put him to bed that night he said it was his best day of school ever.  Awwww....

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