Sunday, November 30, 2014

Five Guys

My date for lunch on Sunday...this cutie pie. He loves Five Guys.  I think it's because he gets to have a milk shake before his meal.  Solid. 

Snowman City

Thursday was the best snowman-making snow we've seen in a long time.  We built two snowman, this little guy that is about Luke's height.  

And this guy, who is taller than Daddy when he's standing up.  

He's smiling under his mask, I promise.  He calls that "My Full Face" as in, "It's pretty cold, better get my Full Face"

Ruby loved playing in the snow with us.  She helped us round the balls into circles.  

The boys thought that our frozen hoop was cool...can't argue with that! 

The Week in Pictures

Our past week was highlighted (or low lighted...) by Josh's battle with Influenza A.  Monday he was home sick with a stomach ache, Tuesday he was flat on his back alllll day long with a nasty cough and Wednesday the doctor confirmed he had The Flu. Thankfully Tamiflu fixed him right tup and he's back to his normal active self by Sunday! 

Thank God Luke didn't get sick.  He was his happy go lucky self all week.
He's posing with our Lazy Susan -- or as Luke calls it the Merry Susan.  Daddy told us about how in China all of the meals had a huge lazy susan in the middle of each table so you could pass food to each other with a quick spin. Obviously we needed this in our house! 

Tuesday night Luke shoveled his head off.  I was doing the dishes and I mumbled under my breath "I'm going to have to do the darn snow blower tonight..." and before I was even done washing the dishes, Luke had bundled himself up and brought our shovels to the mud room. Hard to turn down that enthusiasm. 

Wednesday Luke made his first apple pie. He decided that since he didn't like pumpkin pie or pecan pie, we should try something he thought sounded delicious, apple pie.  I think it turned out pretty for our first ever try at a lattice crust. 

It's very clear how to win Luke's heart.  He loves to go to breakfast.  He loves to eat.  He loves to cook. 

Padre en Mexico

Mike went to Monterrey, Mexico for a few days before Thanksgiving for work. He took pictures of what interests us most, the food and the books. 

We told Josh this was the Spanish equivalent of Josh...and daddy was having a coke with him from far away. 

Daddy's first meal in Mexico.  Clockwise from the green guacamole, grasshoppers, ant eggs, worms, and pico de gilo.  He said that the three "gross" things were actually really tasty and added a lot to the meal. 

Diary of A Wimpy Kid is Josh's favorite book series, he's read them all!  We thought this Spanish version was funny!

This is one nacho chip.  Crazy!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Mom Made Noodles

We had a major culinary masterpiece this evening. We took Gramma Harley's recipe for Mom Made Noodles - which is essentially home made chicken noodle soup - and tried it out for ourselves. Everyone was in on it. 

Little Luke rolling it out and just lovin it. 

Josh was all business, and did a great job.

And then we cut them into wormy little noodles.  
Josh was the one who inspired our dinner choice because he wanted to have noodles and chopsticks. Daddy told him that it  is really common to eat noodles in China and they don't have forks there, so it's hard to figure out how to use chopsticks for noodles.  Josh took that challenge and conquered.  He didn't use his spoon at all. 
Luke mastered his chopsticks with noodles --sorta.


THIS is what we've missed while Daddy was away the last two weeks.  

Blurry, but you get the idea...two boys gang up on one daddy. 

Wrasslin. That's what we call it.  I love that Ruby was in on it. 

daddy's back

We made signs for dad at the airport. It was the beginning of a fun welcome back party that included balloons and jambalaya (dad's favorite dish).

He came bearing gifts...pencils for Josh.

He got these hand carved stamps cool.

Luke's is green and josh's has a Tiger on it.

A real majong set, which is so fun! The boys both like this game on the iPad so its fun to play in real life. 

And a mystery candy that we decided is beef-based. And terrible!

Mike ate a ton of exotic foods in China and duck tongues was the most bizarre. 

He brought chop sticks for us, and so we decided to eat our dinner with them. Josh is a natural.

Luke needs a bit more practice, but he was a good sport. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Luke Gretzky?

Saturday evening we went to Try Hockey for Free day -- Luke insisted on wearing his helmet in the car and parking lot. 

He loved having all his gear on - especially the big gloves (until he dropped his stick on the ice, then they made it "impossible" to pick it up!)
He took off on the ice for the second time  ever and it showed.  His poor ankles were turning in and he was moving so slowly...

But then he found a puck to play with and he was a bit more focused. 

He liked playing with the goal and the puck...

Maybe it's easier to make a goal if your eyes are closed?


Sunday we took a few friends to the move Big Hero 6, which was so cute.  I can't believe I took 5 kids to the movie alone...but it was fine an actually really fun!

This is our little third grader.  He looks like he's feeling pretty cool.  Wish he'd give us a teeth smile...but he knows he's awesome just the way he is. 
This is our bathroom today, November 10th. Luke found this santa bath rug at the Dollar Spot at Target and decided it was time to decorate for Christmas.  Glad I'm not the only planner in the family.
Here's our little Cats fan.  We went to the game Saturday and he wore his jersey, claws and hat. Gotta show support!

Have you seen the awesome sunrises lately?  I took Ruby for a short little walk last week before school, and this was the reward we got. ;) 

Is It Like The Amazing Race?

Last Monday Mike left for a 12-day work trip. He was in LA until Friday, when he took of for China.  This is a big trip, so we took him to the airport! Josh was not thrilled to be in the picture, what a long phase this has been. 

The airplane for his 15 hour ride.  It's a double decker air bus, I hear it's the biggest in the world.  Looks pretty stinking nice! 
This is the flight plan.  Quite a haul!
Looks nice to have your own little desk area...

And place to put your feet and shoes.  The chairs folded flat for sleeping. 
They even got mattress pads.  Mike said he slept for 7 hours or so.  

This was his first meal in China.  Dim Sum and Coke Zero.