Sunday, May 4, 2014


Ruby didn't think that 4-6" of snow on Monday was fun.  

She's right.  It's total Bullshit.

Since we got back from Spring Break, the boys have been in swim lessons on Monday evenings.  This was Luke's last lesson -- he said it's too boring -- so I had to grab a picture of the two boys heading into the pool from the locker room.

Josh's spring recital was Thursday, and he kept telling me how excited he was for it.  Well, when I got there I was laughing so hard because he looked like it was torture for him. 

He'd rather be at the dentist.

Is it over yet? 

Thursday afternoon we went to the Bike Rodeo. It was a blast -- 2 hours of stations like "paper boy" where you throw newspaper into a bucket and "stop on a dime" where you practice stopping fast. Luke's biking posture makes me happy. 

Josh rode the obstacle course the whole time, just lap after lap. He was SO happy!

Luke did all the stations, and the obstacle course twice.  

I think he's checking the competition behind him, but who knows what he's really doing...
And Sunday was Luke's first soccer game of the season.  He was all fired up -- full of hustle and energy! 

He made one goal and stopped two. Who knew we played defense in the pre-K league?

He was so proud of how well he was doing! 

It was a gorgeous afternoon for soccer!  The forecast was not calling for sunshine, so we were thrilled!

Takin' a little break.  He needed one after all that running. 

And when we got home, after playing in the driveway with a hose for 2 hours, he said he was feeling sick.  So he snuggled up with Ruby and took a little rest. 

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