Friday, June 29, 2012

First Camping Trip of 2012

My happy fishing boys in the boat.  They're so silly with their crooked hats and dirty faces, I just love them. 

Our camp site  -- we had 9 adults and 8 children -- on the Madison. Not far from the Bear Trap Fire that is so devastating right now.  But don't worry, it was not caused from us. :)

Daddy took the boys (and Kyler and his daddy Kevin) for a few floats in the boat. Josh and Kyler convinced themselves that if they got a bite they caught a fish, so according to them they caught 16 fish on this 1 1/2 hour float. Ha ha ha. I love Luke's face in this picture. He's a boss.

Josh loved his fishing time.

Bank or boat, he was happy to have line in the water. 

He even got a chance to row a bit.  

Here is one of the beauties that made it into the boat. :) 

Kyler was loving fishing too. That's a million dollar smile!

The King of FiddlyFarting, Luke didn't care if he was fishing or not, he was just happy.

Luke caught his first fish ever on Friday night.  Big big deal.  

At first he was not too sure about holding this flopping slimy fish, but who can blame him?

Here's Luke rowing. I love his little tiny legs that don't hit the bottom of the boat. 

And just a silly shot of a dirty camping boy.

Josh LOVES to touch the fish eyes.  WHY??

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