Sunday, February 26, 2012

We Got A Hoop!

Gramma and Grampa Wright were here this weekend and bought us a basketball hoop!  Josh could not be happier!  We played for hours outside in the cold Sunday weather, imagine how much fun this will be when it's warm!
Daddy helped the boys dunk!

Josh had just made FIVE in a row before I came out with the camera!  He's so silly!

He's gonna kill me for this one, but I can't help but post this blurry picture of Josh's crazy concentration!  

This picture warms my heart. Smiling as he's shooting...aww.

Daddy's blocking for him -- what a good dad!
This is Luke's dunk.  Luke plays awesome defense -- it's better with a video -- but he's gonna be a baller I just know it!

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