Monday, September 5, 2011

Yellowstone Group Camping

Daddy and Lukey enjoying a smore around the campfire. Notice who's wearing the headlamp...

An ultra rare family photo in swimsuits...

We floated down the Yankee Jim Canyon again this year.  I was nervous nearly the whole time, but we ended up having a great time! Josh and Kyler were on ever-important water gun duty. 

Then we decided to jump off this bridge. It was fun, a lovely little adrenaline rush.

This is a picture of the snipe hunt.  The first night we just walked around and looked for them. The second night we baited them with chocolate.  When we got home, Josh thought he heard them in our yard.  This is priceless stuff.

Kyler and his daddy with Josh fishing.  Teaching them young that the best fishing is at dusk. (That's where Josh's daddy catching fish himself)

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