Sunday, October 22, 2017

Cabin, Football, and Hunting

We made a trip to the cabin this week. Amber and I went up with four kids (Luke, Rogen, Josie and Karlee).  It was so much fun and so relaxing.  A totally different vibe than in the summer time, but still lovely!

Rogen and Luke tried to fish a bit...but had no bites. 

Brad, the neighbor to the south, lost a few metal chairs that blew under our dock.  He recruited the kids to help him recover them. Never a dull moment at Whiskey!

Ruby was happy all day every day, finding new sticks and taking herself for a swim whenever she wanted. 

The drive home was lovely.  The snow was just falling in the mountains, and the foothills still had gorgeous fall colors.  

We came back in time for Josh's last football game.  He played well!  He's the one in the orange jersey that is down in a  4-point stance.  

The Bengals had an end of season party at Fuddruckers Saturday.  They went all out! 

Great team and great season!

While we were at the lake, Josh and Daddy were hunting. 

They picked a great panoramic spot to hunt. 

They didn't get anything, but saw some great options for next time.  P.S. Those are my pack boots Josh is wearing.  He's 11.  

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