Monday, September 4, 2017

Back to School

Monday night before school started we had a bit of frozen yogurt with the grandparents.  A summer tradition we love! 
The first morning of school the boys sat at the bar and chatted with Mike and me. 

And then came the many photos. 

They're so handsome!
Josh is as tall as my chin!  
So happy daddy was in town this year! 

I love taking pictures by this tree.  Josh and the tree are both growing so fast. 
Pretty sure this was the first day of 1st grade...tiny tree, no houses in the background, and no teeth in the smile. 
Luke's shirt says Volbeat on it.  :)

Tough guys
Sweet, forced smiles. 
And he's off!  We live only 2 blocks from CJMS, so he can ride his bike to and from school. So much independence!

Luke was not happy to pose in front of the Emily Dickinson sign.  It's a tradition I'm not ready to give up!

My sunflowers went nuts this year! 

Tuesday was gear pickup day for football.  These two handsome devils. 

The week flew by, and then we were at the lake!  Dad and this old school coffee mug sure area  good match!

This picture makes me happy.  It's all of our parents in one boat watching Luke surf.  

The boys did their first night swim.  This is crazy this is crazy this is crazy!

Ruby likes her people close to her and on dry land, so she was happy when Josh got to the ladder. 

The kids wanted to do a Cinco -- five water sports in one weekend.  They surfed, wakeboarded, waterskied, kneeboarded and tubed.  

Josh was doing Switch riding (even got up twice Switch!), and jumped the wake!

The boys loved their RC boat off the dock.  It was fun to watch it zip around the water. 

My smiling parents!  Yay!

The smoke was THICK Sunday and Monday.  The state is on fire. 

Sunday night we took the kids tubing and Mike and I took our first ride together (ever??).  It was a lot of fun and we didn't even get hurt. :) 

I love this picture because Luke is loving it, Josie looks so scared, and Josh is goofing off. 

Sunday night we had a low country boil, and Luke LOVED it.  He ate a zillion shrimp and loved everything dipped in butter. 

We don't have a campfire for our annual campfire Luke on Dad's lap photo, but we sat around the campfire ring. 

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