Sunday, June 4, 2017

Summer Started

Luke loves to ham it up for the class-time pictures. 

Josh had a final recital Wednesday. He did great!

Gramma and Grampa were able to make it to the big concert. 

I have been working hard to earn this coffee mug, and I'm thrilled to have it! The bracelet was a big surprise to me, and it was a reward for reaching a promotion in Rodan and Fields.  Exciting day for me! 
Saturday was the last day of lacrosse. It was so fun to watch these friends play all season. We love Big E (backward 3), Sam, and Kyler!
Sunday morning breakfast at Zydeco!

Yay for beignets!

Sunday afternoon/evening the boys were playing in the stream across the park. I came to look for them (to help find Josh's shoe, really) and found this awesome scene. 

They built a small dam so that they could cross the creek and slow the water down a bit.  

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