Monday, May 15, 2017

Lacrosse Pics

These are the lacrosse photos from Mike's big camera this past weekend in Jackson.
The rules changed for this tournament, so they played 10 v 10 on a normal sized field.  They usually have 4 teams of 12 kids when they play 6 v 6 on a small field, so they had to restructure the teams.  Josh was on Black, and was number 14 for the weekend. 

He did great at his face offs.  

See that fight and hustle? 

Can you see his black cheeks?  He's super serious about his eye black. 

In the ready position. 

Josh has the ball in this picture...the defender is trying to get it, but Josh kept it away. 

Running in to get the faceoff ball. 

Playing defense...trying to stop that #28 from getting past him. 

Again with the ball, trying to keep it from the Jackson kid. 

Throwing a pass. 
This is Kyler taking a shot (he's the one floating in the air, no # on his back). 

I jus like this series of pictures!

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