Monday, July 18, 2016

Another Fast Week

Luke had lacrosse camp Monday-Thursday this week.  We picked him up with a friend and in the Jeep, so he "had" to ride shotgun. He loved it, and said that the front seat was so exciting.  Of course, he was nervous for the first mile (of 2 total miles!), but he liked it. 
I found this little gem early one morning, a gift from Ruby or Champ no doubt.  It had been hidden between the basket and the wall for a while judging by the amount of tiny mouse turds there.  Ick!

Thursday was a big day!  Josh got his waterproof cast!  We asked the doctor so many questions about what limitations he has now, and it turns out he's free to do a LOT of fun stuff!

Thursday was the last day of lacrosse camp and the boys got powell sticks (aka shafts!). They were pretty excited! 

And before we knew it, we were at Canyon Ferry for a great boating and camping weekend. Josh was excited to try out his new waterproof cast, so he took off on the kayak before we even launched our boat. 

We had a great campfire, and somehow we were burning little 1" thick slabs of wood.  This one burned into the shape of Montana.  

This is my current favorite picture.  I love the campfire glow and I love Josh's sweet smile. 

Sunday the weather was nicer and we headed off for an exploring boat ride.  We found some rocks to jump off of.  Here is Luke in full commit mode. ;) 

Josh prefers a nice traditional dive. 

Like father, like son? 


Josh is doing a 360 with a salute, and unfortunately I got the back of his head. 

Another set of rocks, another dive. I love his red cast!
This was an epic campfire circle.  I think there were 7 families there, 3 that we knew well and 3 that were friends of friends.  The best part of camping?  Maybe!!

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