Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Halloween Week

Luke was inspired by a  Food Network Halloween special, and he made his own skeleton cake.  The bottom right is the gravestone, and the rest of the frosting is a skeleton. 

We carved pumpkins Thursday night.  The boys did everything themselves -- I cut the whole in the top and the boys did the rest. (Well, Luke wanted me to clean it out because "guts are gross" but he did all of the carving. 

He was having a great time before I asked him to look at me. I joked that he'll look at his childhood pictures with his wife one day, and she'll ask why they had such a sad childhood, and wonder what his mom was like back then.  I swear we have fun, I swear!

I love that they're independent enough to carve their own pumpkins but small enough to sit on the island.  

Such concentration!

My precious!

Luke also happened to have PJ day at school, so that's a fun photo op.  
Josh poses so nicely.

Crazy kids with crazy jack-o-lanterns. 

Luke looks too cute in his hood, I had to snap a shot 

Friday was costume party at school, so I came dressed as Princess Leia. I'm happy the boys are young enough that they're not embarrassed by my shenanigans yet. 

Luke's teacher is really fun!  They had a fun party with 4 centers.  This one was decorating a goodie bag. 

Decorating sugar cookies, Luke's favorite station. 

Look at this goodie table!  Witches' brew, ghost poop, pumpkin teeth and a jack-o-lantern made of fruit!

My little Luke Skywalker throwing rings on the Witches' Hat Ring Toss.

This is their whole cute class. 

The whole school did a big parade through school and out onto the playground.  This was their first ever time doing this, and I hope they do it again!  it was so much fun!

Trying not to smile..

Josh was Kylo Ren, dressed in all black and a scary mask. He's the villain in the new Star Wars, Josh is borderline obsessed with him. 

Friday night daddy got home at 9:30. We missed him, he was gone all week.  Luke made an 'invention' for hauling boats while we waited for the Delta Airbus to land (that's what Luke calls any Delta jet.).
We went to Soby's Saturday morning. Luke asked for an X-Wing Fighter.  The cook totally nailed it!

This is Josh's "scary sea monster" -- very spooky indeed. 
Halloween Night was so much fun!  The Ryles and the Jenkins trick or treated through our neighborhood.  L to R - Ady the raccoon, Gabe as a Bobble Pumpkin Head, Luke as Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot and Josh as Kylo Ren.  We trick or treated for a few hours, then came home so the kids could hand out candy and scare kids.  That quickly turned to Mike and Tom scaring the kids with fire crackers,and then that turned into blowing up pumpkins with fireworks.  Tradition.

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